
2010-11-15 クレア

  1. Good morning! Today I am going to be better than yesterday . This is really important thing to declare.
  2. おはようございます。コーヒーもういっぱい飲もうかな。 (@ マクドナルド ハンバーガー 上田バイパス店) http://4sq.com/9ClHIz
  3. Admit and release this feeling!! I have decided that I would enjoy my life as it is. Come what may, what the others might say.
  4. Now I head to work. Let's enjoy ! It will shine our life!
  5. RT@wisesaw: 天使とは、美しい花をまき散らす者ではなく、苦悩する者のために戦う者のことだ。 [ナイチンゲール]

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